Green Award Board


The Board consists of members representing the international maritime industry, including both public and private interests. The Board manages the Green Award Foundation as laid down in the Foundation’s articles.


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D. Mattheou (Chairman)

CEO Arcadia Ship Management

D. Mattheou (Chairman)

Dimitrios Mattheou ( is the CEO | Managing Director of Arcadia Shipmanagement Co Ltd & Aegean Bulk Co Inc, highly recognized for his contribution as an active member of International Organizations. In particular, he is the Chairman of the Green Award Foundation, Vice Chairman of the Hellenic Mediterranean Panel in INTERTANKO, Governor of the International Propeller Club of the United States, and Executive Committee Member in Norwegian Hull Club, INTERCARGO, HELMEPA and ALBA Graduate Business School. Dimitrios is an inspiring Leader, committed to his job tasks, innovative in his roles and loyal to the corporate spirit. Through his actions he has earned the respect of the maritime community and has been awarded three times as a Best Manager and as an Exceptional Personality (Best Manager award / Efkranti Awards, Personality award / GREEN4SEA Awards, Personal award / Masters & Mates Union of Greek Merchant Marine). As an experienced sailor, he has never neglected the new generation of the seafarers. Therefore, he provides frequent Industry-based tuitions for Post-graduate students as a guest Lecturer at various Academic Institutions for Maritime studies, such as the Piraeus Maritime University, the ALBA Graduate Business School, the Metropolitan College, the New York College and the Mediterranean College.

Inspirational personal quote: ‘Leading through Vision. Inspiring through Actions’

P. Mollema (Vice-Chairman)


P. Mollema (Vice-Chairman)

Peter W. Mollema is representative of International Association of Ports and Harbors.

In 1988 he graduated from Delft University of Technology as Master of Science in civil engineering.  After two years of military service he joined the Port Maintenance department at the Municipality of Rotterdam.  In 1994 he transferred to the Port of Rotterdam Authority, where he held various management positions in the field of port infrastructure, security, transport- and maritime policies.  In 2008, Mr. Mollema was appointed Director Environmental Management, where he was responsible for the port’s environmental affairs, spatial planning and sustainable development.  Since September 2015 he acts as Strategic Advisor focusing on climate action, energy transition and international cooperation. He is currently also vice-president Europe for the International Association of Ports and Harbors and vice-chairman of the Green Award Foundation.

R. Ashdown


R. Ashdown

Mr Ashdown is the Secretary General of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) whose twelve Member Societies class more than 90% of the world’s cargo carrying tonnage. After an initial period with Fujitsu, he started his shipping career with the UK Chamber of Shipping where he held several positions, the last being ‘Head of Technical’. During that period he was also the Director of the British Rig Owners’ Association (BROA). In 2010, Mr Ashdown joined the European Cruise Council in Brussels as Technical Director and then, following a merger with the US based Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), became Secretary General of CLIA Europe before leaving to join IACS in May 2015.

K. Davis


K. Davis

Captain Karen Davis brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience gained from over 28 years in the marine industry. Karen graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy and spent 15 years at sea, sailing from Third Mate to Master aboard supertankers carrying crude oil and clean products. She transitioned ashore to hold various leadership positions in Compliance, Marine Safety and Security, Operations, and Assurance. For several years, Karen managed the global marine risk management system for ConocoPhillips and was an Executive Committee member to the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF). Karen was seconded to Qatargas Operating Company Limited as a Senior Advisor in the North Field Expansion Project and the Marine Risk Quality and Projects team from 2019 until 2021. Karen’s experience combined with her drive for continuous improvement in the areas of safety and environment has also brought great support to the Green Award Board of Experts. Since December 2021, Karen has been appointed as Managing Director of OCIMF and became a Green Award Board member since.

T. Fiorito

European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP)

T. Fiorito

Turi Fiorito is the Director of the European Federation of Inland Ports. He has over 5 years of expertise in EU transport policy. He was the former transport Policy Advisor to Member of the European Parliament Wim van de Camp, working on legislation such as the Mobility Package, Port Services Regulation and the Fourth Railway Package. Preceding this, Mr. Fiorito worked for the Dutch Embassy in New Delhi. He graduated Cum Laude from Utrecht University as a Master in International Relations.

K. G. Gkonis


K. G. Gkonis

Kostas is passionate about sustainability, ESG, and innovation, having worked for over 20 years in the shipping industry and energy before that, and on varying topics from maritime policy, environmental soundness and decarbonisation to market dynamics and intelligence. His background ranges from engineering and operations research to business and corporate responsibility.

He holds the position of Director / Secretary General of INTERCARGO since Oct. 2016. During his time, the Association’s membership has more than doubled to currently bringing together 250 forward thinking companies from 30 countries in uniting and promoting quality dry bulk shipping.

T. Hacksteiner

European Barge Union

T. Hacksteiner

Theresia Hacksteiner holds a Master degree in International and Private Law (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and is specialised in transport and European law.

She has more than 30 years of experience in managing international associations in inland navigation and representing the inland waterway transport sector at European and international level. As such she is involved in policy making and various expert group in this field.

In this capacity she established a.o. a Dutch foundation to certify inland vessels on behalf of the national authority.

Besides she is a lecturer and has published several articles on inland navigation law.

M. van Helvoirt

Koninklijke Binnenvaart Nederland

M. van Helvoirt

Maira van Helvoirt has worked for the Dutch inland shipping association Koninklijke Binnenvaart Nederland (KBN) (and its legal predecessor CBRB) since 1998. She has a background in deepsea shipping as Maritime Officer.

Ms van Helvoirt held a variety of relevant positions in the organization.

Being responsible for Technical Affairs for several years, she was involved in the amendment / revision of several technical requirements for inland ships.

She has been the secretary of the Passenger Shipping Committee of the European Barge Union (EBU), the European umbrella organization for the inland shipping industry, since 2003. In this capacity she was involved in the revision of technical regulations for passenger ships.

P.M. Swift

P.M. Swift

Dr Peter M Swift is a non-executive Director of Ardmore Shipping Corporation, a leading tanker company. He is a Vice-Chairman of the Sailors’ Society, an international charity caring for seafarers at sea, in port and at home, and a Trustee of ISWAN (the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network). He is a Director of the Maritime Industry Foundation, a member of the American Bureau of Shipping, Chairman of the Korean Register’s European Committee and a representative of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects at the IMO. In 2001 he was appointed to the Committee of the Green Award Foundation and since 2015 serves on the Advisory Board.

From 2001 to 2010 he was the Managing Director of INTERTANKO and a Director of Seascope Shipping Limited from 1999 to 2001, having previously been employed by Royal Dutch Shell for 24 years in a range of senior, international, commercial and technical positions.

K. Szymanski


K. Szymanski

Captain Kuba Szymanski is the Secretary General for InterManager, the international trade association for the ship and crew management sector.

He began his sea career in 1985. Graduating from the Maritime University of Szczecin with a Master’s Degree, he became a deck officer with Dorchester Maritime Limited Isle of Man where he sailed gas/chemical/product tankers, reaching his first command as a Master in 1999. He continues to maintain his Captain’s Licence.

In order to support his managerial skills, he attended Lloyds Academy and obtained a Certificate in Ship Superintendence, before gaining an MBA at the International Business School, Isle of Man and John Moores University (JMU) Liverpool.
In his roles ashore, he worked as a Marine Superintendent, HSEQ Manager, Fleet Manager and General Manager. He was appointed Secretary General of InterManager in January 2010.

Through his role with InterManager, Capt Szymanski has participated in many industry-wide projects, including the production of international shipping industry Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the Save Our Seafarers campaign, and the Martha Project which focussed on seafarer fatigue at sea. He currently chairs the Human Element Industry Group (HEIG) Enclosed Space Committee. During the Covid-19 pandemic Capt Szymanski represented InterManager on a number of key maritime panels, supporting the health and well-being of seafarers around the world and helping to ensure business continuity for the global supply chain.

In addition to being a member of the Maritime Professional Council of the UK, Capt Szymanski is a fellow of the Nautical Institute and a member of its Executive Board. In 2011 he joined the TK Foundation, which supports non-profit maritime and youth programs, and he currently chairs its HR and Renumeration Committee.

Capt Szymanski is a familiar face on the international maritime conference circuit and also lectures on ship management at the International Business School, Isle of Man. In July 2018 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Solent Southampton University in recognition of his contribution to the maritime industry.

In April 2022 Capt Szymanski took up the additional role of Chair of the Board of the 200-year-old Seafarers Hospital Society (SHS), the UK’s oldest maritime charity. SHS provides a range of health and welfare services to UK-based seafarers and their dependants.

In his leisure time, Kuba is a keen yachtsman and races sails his Beneteau First 40.7 competitively around Europe, mostly double or single handed. He is married with a son who is also a seafarer.

T. Wilkins


T. Wilkins

Tim Wilkins manages INTERTANKO’s environmental strategic work plan items and has oversight for the Association’s activities in Asia and Europe.

As Environment Director, Tim has been responsible for coordinating and managing INTERTANKO’s global environmental agenda for over 22 years. His expertise in this area derives from his Honours Degree in Marine Biology as well as a post graduate Masters in Marine Resource Management. He heads up INTERTANKO’s strategy and projects on key tanker industry issues from ballast water management to ship recycling and ESG reporting. As Secretary to INTERTANKO’s Environment Committee he is tasked with representing the tanker industry in its liaison with environmental organisations, national governmental organisations and international organisations such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

As Deputy Managing Director, Tim works with the Managing Director on both external strategic affairs as well as internal corporate administration. Tim is Secretary to INTERTANKO’s Council and Executive Committee and currently acting Secretary to INTERTANKO’s Documentary Committee and Insurance and Legal Committee.

Tim also acts as Coordinator for INTERTANKO’s European activities by maintaining oversight for legislative initiates generated within the European Union. In so doing, he also acts as Secretary to INTERTANKO’s European Panel. With his extensive experience in Asia, he also has an oversight role as Regional Manager Asia-Pacific and is responsible for Members in China and Japan.

Tim joined INTERTANKO in early 1999, where he gained considerable technical and political experience representing the tanker industry at the IMO and within the EU in Brussels. He has held a wide range of positions within the Association including Regional Manager for Greece, Italy and Cyprus; Secretary to INTERTANKO’s Executive Committee; and, Secretary to INTERTANKO’s Hellenic Mediterranean Panel.

Tim is currently based in London having spent 13 years in INTERTANKO’s branch office in Singapore.