
The European demonstration project CLean INland SHipping (CLINSH) investsin sustainable
waterborne transport. In February 2017, tenders will be invited from operators who wish to make their vessels more sustainable and are willing to add to existing knowledge about emissions reducing technology. The Province of Zuid-Holland is the lead partner in the CLINSH project, which involves sixteen other partners in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.



Why take part?
The inland shipping sector now faces the challenge of achieving long-term sustainability, which entails reducing emissions. There are various options. New vessels can be built with the required clean air technology, while existing vessels can be retrofitted with cleaner engines or filtering technologies. They can also be adapted to run on alternative fuels. In each case, the objective is to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and fine particulates. There are direct benefits. International legislation governing both air quality and energy efficiency is becoming ever more stringent, while the market increasingly requires transport operators to show a high level of environmental responsibility.

Rik Janssen is the member of the Provincial Executive with special responsibility for transport and the environment. “The inland shipping sector is an important link in the logistics chain,” he states. “To remain competitive, the sector must now invest in cleaner vessels. The CLINSH project is one way in which we will help it to do so.”

The tender procedure which opens in February is concerned with selecting vessels to take part in the CLINSHproject. There will be two groups:

Group a) comprises 15 vessels which the owner is to equip with an emissions-reducing technology or adapt to run on an alternative fuel. The technologies concerned are SCR-DPF, Fuel Water Emulsion, hybrid installations, Liquefied Natural Gas and Gas-to-Liquid (GTL).
Group b) comprises a further 15 vessels which already have emission-reducing technology installed or run on an alternative fuel.

Both groups will be fitted with monitoring equipment which measures emissions over a period of between one and two years. This will provide valuable information about the environmental
performance of each technology and how its use affects operating costs.

The selected participants will receive financial compensation. The costs of purchasing and installing physical equipment will be subsidized by up to 50%, including a compensation for each vessel to a maximum of €10,000. Vessels with pre-existing emission-reducing technology or alternative fuel provisions are also eligible for a payment of up to €10,000. Participation in the project will generate valuable knowledge about the various technologies and their potential contribution to environmental objectives. The participants will therefore be the ‘pioneers’ within the sector. They will receive fair remuneration for their part in generating knowledge which helps to fast-track the adoption of clean technology throughout the sector.

CLINSH is a European demonstration project which seeks to establishes the (cost-) effectiveness of emission-reducing technology and alternative fuels. The project was officially launched on 1 September 2016 and is co-funded under the European Commission’s LIFE investment programme. The total project value is in excess of 8.5 million euros, which the 17 partners and the LIFE fund will invest in various activities intended to enhance the long-term sustainability of the inland shipping sector.

Are you a potential pioneer? Would you like to take part in CLINSH? For the latest news and information about the tender procedure, simply enter your name and email address at www.clinsh.eu (click on ‘Tender Registration’). If you have any questions, please email