• The Green Award requirements for the inland shipping are compact and apply to engines (Sheet A and Sheet B), the technical equipment on board and to the crew;

  • A ship needs to score a minimum number of points on both sheets A & B in order to be certified;

  • The certificate is valid for 3 years from the inspection date

Green Award for Inland Navigation - 2023

Green Award for River Cruise Vessels - 2023

Deutsch: Green Award für die Binnenschifffahrt - 2023

Deutsch: Green Award für Flusskreuzfahrtschiffe - 2023

Français: Green Award pour la navigation intérieure - 2023

Français: Green Award pour les Bateaux de croisière fluviale - 2023

Eligible Ship Types

Dry Cargo ships   ♦   Tankers  ♦   Containers   ♦   Push barges   ♦   Ferries   ♦   Cruise ships   ♦   Sand/pebbles barges   ♦   Roro ships

Steps in certification procedure


1. Submit the application form

Application form

2. Green Award certification department performs the initial review (desktop review)


3. Inspection on board is planned and carried out by a Green Award inspector


4. Evaluation of the inspection by Green Award


5. Issuance of the Green Award certificate