World Oceans Day's':

This week, we welcomed yet another World Oceans Day (8 June). For us, we like to think that it is every day.
We aim to contribute in our best way, by motivating Green Award certified ships and participating Incentive Providers that support them to do our parts all together.

In our 2021 version of seagoing shipping requirements, we upgraded our Waste Management and Garbage Handling element.
This element has gone through several big revisions so that the Green Award requirements are continuously adjusted and upgraded.

The major highlight of the changes made to this version is the addition of requirements on single-use plastics reflecting the current industry best practices.

The topics covered on plastic waste include:

  • Culture change in the messroom onboard;
  • Avoiding discharging of micro-plastic fibers;
  • Responsible handling of old plastic ropes and mooring lines; and
  • Forbiddance of plastic incineration.


On top of the inclusion of requirements on plastic waste, other changes are on ‘food waste’ and ‘cleaning agents & additives’, as well as fine-tuning the element in general.

Download the full requirements from here: