ESI Administration Office:

Green Award Foundation collaborates with the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) by taking on the assigned role of administering and managing their Environmental Ship Index (ESI) program.

Already for many years the Green Award Foundation worked in close cooperation with developing ESI which was finally embedded within the IAPH.

One of the big steps made by ESI is to also enhance onboard verifications to control the formula-based index by structured means. The ESI dedicated staff, as well as Green Award surveyors are actively involved with physical verification of ship specific data leading to the unique ship specific index within the ESI. These synergies between both programs and Green Award’s operational experience built up since 1994 made this a logical match.

The roles of the Administration office are:

  • Contact point for the Users (ports and shipping companies)
  • Verifications and their assessments
  • Liaison for the ESI website/database
  • Financial and accounting management

More information on ESI can be found on: