10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Bulk carriers
Oil tankers
3% of the port's Marine Services Charge (MSC) for bulk carriers and oil tankers
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
15% discount on the port dues to the Green Award certified vessels.
Chemical tankers
LNG carriers
Oil tankers
A reduction of 3% in port fees for crude oil, product and chemical tankers and LNG carriers of any size that hold the Green Award certificate
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Bulk carriers
Oil tankers
Starting 1 December 2009, the port offers a 5% discount off tariff price for marine services for all tankers and bulk carriers certified by Green Award.
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified vessels will be granted a discount of 10% on Rate of Utilization of the Berthing Facilities.
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Oil tankers
3% premium on Tariff of port use (TUP) for Crude oil/Product Tankers
Bulk carriers
Oil tankers
6% discount on the port dues.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% discount for ships with a Green Award certificate
Chemical tankers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
- 15% discount on the port dues related to the GT-size to all liquid bulk carriers (LNG tankers, Chemicals/Gas tankers and Oil/Product tankers) provided with a Green Award Certificate
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
a 5% reduction in tonnage dues for all Green Award certified vessels entering BGTW (British Gibraltar Territorial Waters) and calling at the Gibraltar Port.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
a 20% discount on Sanitary Dues
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
10% discount on entrance fee of port dues for all Green Award certified sea-going vessels
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% reduction on Tariff for Port Use (TUP)
Chemical tankers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
- 15% discount on the port dues related to the GT-size to all liquid bulk carriers (LNG tankers, Chemicals/Gas tankers and Oil/Product tankers) provided with a Green Award Certificate
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified vessels are granted 10% fee reduction on port dues.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
a 15% discount on port dues for all Green Award certified sea-going ships
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
15% discount on port entry fees.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
A 5% rebate on canal dues shall be granted to vessels which were awarded a Green Award Certificate.
Chemical tankers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
70% discount on the port dues related to the sustainability component for all liquid bulk carriers (LNG tankers, Chemicals/Gas tankers and Oil/Product tankers) provided with a Green Award Certificate.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
The Port Sept-Iles, Quebec, Canada gives a 10% discount on harbor dues only to all GA certified vessels from 01-01-2012
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
3% reduction on the Port Use Due
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% reduction for all Green Award certified ships
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% discount on the port dues
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% premium on the port fees for any Green Award ship
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
ThPA SA will offer 15% discount on the port dues to the Green Award vessels
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
15% discount on entrance fee of port dues for all Green Award certified sea-going vessels
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified vessels are granted 10% fee reduction on harbour dues
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Oil tankers
10% port dues rebate for Crude oil/Product Tankers in all South African national ports if not enjoying a 5% rebate in terms of double-hulled/SBT scheme.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
23.4% saving over the basic harbour dues rates. Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (Port of Vancouver) recognizes Green Award certified vessels as eligible at the Bronze level under the EcoAction program
Port of Buenos Aires
Av. Ingeniergo Huergo 431 C.P. C1107AOE – C.A.B.A. Buenos Aires Argentina
Port & Harbor Bureau, Osaka City Government Port Promotion Department, Planning & Construction Division ATC(Asia & Pacific Trade Center) ITM Building 10F 2-1-10 Nanko Kita Suminoe-ku Osaka City Japan
5% discount to certified companies on all Oil Spill Eater II, Viper Wire Rope Lubricator, and SulNOx orders.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
ABS offers Green Award certified companies and vessels:
- 10% discount on the Vessel Performance software, and
- 10% discount from the rate of the ABS Academy public training courses (applicable to shore-based and shipboard personnel). The discount scheme is subject to annual review.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
offers Green Award companies and ships a 10% scholarship on postgraduate and Executive courses. The offer applies to all employees and their children of all certified companies/vessels.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified offices or ships are entitled to a 10% discount on services provided by Alpha Marine Consulting Ltd
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% discount on all water sampling and analysis for certified ships: Ballast Water, Wastewater (Black and Grey water), Drinking Water, Scrubber Wash Water, Bilge water
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
All Green Award certified vessels and companies are entitled to a discount of 15% on acquisition of the following products and services:
-- Annual GMDSS Radio Survey
-- Annual VDR APT - COC Suvrey
-- GMDSS , SBM Maintenance Contract (3 years contract)
-- Service tariff (labor and travel)
-- Marine Navigation, Communication & Safety equipment
-- Aqua Marine Citadel Box - Anti- piracy equipment
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Reimbursement of 10% of the Annual Green Award fees for all Green Award certified ships utilizing our Onboard Security teams
5% discount on all other Maritime Security services (in-port security, consultancy, training)
10% discount on Cyber Security Audits to all Green Award Certified Ships
A free external Cyber Security Vulnerability Assessment to all certified companies
15% discount on the tariff of the Cyber Security User Awareness courses
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
-- 10% discount on the survey fees for the issuance of the IHM certificate to Green Award vessels
-- 10% discount on the training courses, as per the BV Piraeus training catalogue, to personnel of the Green Award companies
-- 10% discount on audits performed onboard Green Award vessels and their ashore companies concerning environmental standards (ISO14000, ISO50001).
The incentives apply for the region South East Europe, Black sea and Adriatic (SEEBA) Zone.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified ships are entitled to a 10% discount on the fee of issuing the Statement for IHM (Inventory of Hazardous Materials)
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Inland barges
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Ocean-going ships receive a discount of 10 - 15% on selected products/services - Click on the name of the incentive provider for details
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Inland barges
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% discount on sales price of MES1001 (Marine Emission Sensor) Measuring NOx, SO2, NH3 gases in ships' exhaust. Applicable to sea-going and inland navigating ships.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
offers a 10% scholarship on Undergraduate and Graduate courses. The offer applies to all employees and their children of all certified companies/vessels.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% premium on published tariff.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
- 10% discount in training courses delivered by our worldwide DNV academies to Green Award companies/vessels
- 10% discount on audits carried out in connection to environmental standards (ISO 14000, ISO 50001) onboard Green award vessels and ashore at premises of certificate holders
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
a 5% discount on all services to Green Award certified ships starting from the 1st January, 2016.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified shipping companies and ships receive the follow discounts:
1. Dynamic General ship repairs & shipbuilding Greece : 17%
2. Dynamic General ship repairs & shipbuilding Europe : 15%
3. Dynamic UHPWJ and painting works Greece & Europe : 12%
4. Dynamic Scaffolding works Greece & Europe : 16%
5. Dynamic Cleaning works Greece & Europe : 17%
6. Dynamic Turn key solutions for ships repairs Greece & Europe : 14%
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Inland barges
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified companies and ships (inland and sea) will receive a 10% saving on any training provided by EC-MT.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Solutions for emission problems. 5% discount on services for Green Award vessels
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
GA vessels will be offered a 25% discount for all hydrocarbon waste delivered (i.e. bilge waters, sludges and slops) to Ecoslops. These are wastes classified under LER code 16 07 08 and are directly related with Ecoslops’ activity of transforming marine hydrocarbon waste into marine fuel. The discount excludes companies already having special conditions, which in such case the discount will not be higher than 25%
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Discounts for all existing and future members of The Green Awards organization:
30% Discount for the replacement of any Oil Content Meter Fellow Kogyo complying with MEPC60 (33)Regulation, with new unit Oil Content Meter complying with MEPC 107 (49)Regulation
30% Discount for replacement of any unit or system, complying with the International Standards of ISO 14001 refering to Environmental Protection. (For example: non paperless to paperless recorders used in various systems like Inert Gas System, etc) from the companies that we represent.
15% Discount for the inspection, repair, calibration and Certification of FELLOW KOGYO Systems, as well as 15% Discount for spare parts replacement (except oil content meter) of FELLOW KOGYO Systems as Authorized Service Station for Greece and Cyprus
15% Discount for Inspections, Services, Repairs, Calibrations of Automation Systems, in vessels’ Annual survey or vessels’ Dry Dock.
Free of charge any seminar or training in our company premises related to the above systems & companies which we represent for your crew and employees ashore.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified vessels are entitled to receive
- a 5% discount on Drug and Alcohol Testing and on Biochemical Testing, and
- a 15% discount on Drug and Alcohol Sampling Kits
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships receive 15% discount on all product licenses and services.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified companies and ships will be entitled to the following:
1. Green Award certified shipping company: A discount of 5% of the listed price on POSEIDON EVO and POSEIDON i from EPE.
2. Green Award certified ships: A 10% discount of the listed price on Inventory Hazardous Materials (IHM).
3. Green Award certified ships: A discount of 25% of the listed price on a training course on Spill Response under the topic “Oil Spill Awareness”.
4. Green Award certified ships: A free “Environmental Compliance and Performance Consultancy and Training Program”
Click on the name of the incentive provider for the detailed incentive description
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
all certified companies and ships get
a 5% discount on ERMA FIRST’s ESK Engineering Solutions S.A., IMO/ USCG certified, Ballast Water Treatment System
a free of charge BWTS shipboard training session, that will cover BWTS current legislation, installation, operation, sampling, maintenance and testing per ship
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
All Green Award certified ships are eligible for:
-- Up to € 5,000 cashback on a power measurement
-- Advice on capacity in kWh of a battery system
-- A life span and thermal simulation of a battery system. Based on a power- or sailing profile
-- Drawings of a battery system in an assigned battery room
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All members of Euroshore, the association of port reception facilities, provide a 5% discount in 9 countries.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
5% discount for Green Award certified ships
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
- Green Award certified companies will receive a 7% discount on the sales price of the FORU 70 system (skimmer and accessories) (Rental not included)
- Green Award Incentive Providers (e.g. ports) will receive a 7% discount on the sales price of FORU 70 system, FORU 340 system and oil spill set in a ten foot container
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships are entitled to a 5% discount on the price list of the following equipment:
Ballast Water Treatment Equipment of DeNora, Hanla and Veolia / RWO
Kyma's Ship Performance equipment
Veolia / RWO Sewage Treatment Plant and Oil Water Separator
Kangrim Heavy Industries' Scrubbers
Taiyo's Electrical Propulsion Systems
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified ships will receive a 5% discount on the agency services provided in Belgium.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
The Green Award certified ships will receive a 10% discount on the Agency Fee in Greece.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified ships will receive a 10% discount on the Agency Fee in the United Kingdom
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Gard AS will annually host a Gard Green Award Event for shipowners and managers who hold the Green Award certificate. The purpose of this annual event is to share knowledge about important industry matters affecting safety, quality and efficiency at sea in the spirit of the Green Award. This event will be free of charge to Green Award certificate holders.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% rebate of the pilotage element of the tariff of Hammond Deepsea Pilots.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified shipping companies, sea-going ships, inland navigating ships and other participating incentive providers may be granted:
-- 10% discount on all SKF Recondoil filtration systems
-- 10% discount on all Samoa diaphragm pumps
-- 10% discount to all labor of flying team of engineers
-- 5% discount on all spare parts
-- 5% discount on all services provided such as inspection, surveys, service and maintenance, TIG welding and thermal spray solutions
-- additional 5% discount applicable for loyal customers that complete more than 12 orders within the first 12 months of cooperation.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Inland barges
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships (Deepsea and Inland Shipping) are entitled to a 8 or 10% discount on acquisition or lease of the following products and services. These discounts are valid when services, delivery or support are carried out by the Rotterdam Office. The discount applies to: G100 Emission Measurement (10%) and G300 Particulates Measurement (8%).
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
5% extra discount on all Hexagon Europe products and services, i.e.:
- Lubrication Engineers High Performance Lubricants
- Viper Wire Rope Lubricators (3% on Viper spare parts)
- on ARS (Asset Reliability Solutions)
- on Spillaway Bioremediation Products products
- Elix Hand Cleaning Towels
- MAK Chem Chemical products; and
- on all oil analysis services
This incentive applies to the products and services provided by Hexagon Europe and for the countries: Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, FYROM. It also applies to all companies who have offices in these countries, however, need to be serviced anywhere around the world and provided the invoice is issued to entities based in one of the above-mentioned countries.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified companies and/or ships are entitled to a 10% discount on selected services provided by HudsonAnalytix, Inc., and/or any of its five (5) divisions, Hudson Marine Management Services, HudsonTrident, HudsonSystems, HudsonTactix, and HudsonDynamix.
Click on the name of the incentive provider to see details
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Imbema Cleton offers Green Award certified holders:
1. 5% discount on VIPER® MKII Wire Rope Lubricators
2. 10% discount on all Lubrication Engineers lubricants and services (incl. ARS)
3. 10% discount on individual orders for our Sundstrom respitory protection equipment
4. 5% discount on hoses, couplings or hose assemblies
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified companies and ships (seagoing and inland) receive a direct discount of 10-15% on products/services by iQ Solutions (VCell Cyber, Ermis and VTalos).
VCell Cyber and VTalos carry IACS members and flag states certifications/type approvals for Cyber Security.
-- 10% for certified companies (seagoing shipping)
-- 15% for certified seagoing ships
-- 15% for certified inland ships
-- 10% for other participating Incentive Providers
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% discount on ship generated waste collection (bilgewater and/or sludge) for Green Award ships
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
5% discount on training fee for all Green Award certificate holders
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Inland barges
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships are entitled to a 10% discount on the standard engineering costs for the service provided by JLMD E. Group for the Fast Oil Recovery System
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
3% discount for owner matter agency
No cash payment on board the ship for SPRO retainer fee
5% discount for sludge disposal; tank cleaning
5% discount for technical repair
5% discount for store & spare parts supply.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships are entitled to an additional 6% discount on KARCO safety videos
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships are entitled to discounts on acquisition of the following products:
5% discount on the mooring ropes;
3% discount on anchor chains price
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships are entitled to a 5% discount on the following products:
wire ropes
chocks (deck mounted with base or without base or bulwark mounted)
rollers & pedestal rollers
roller fairleads
chain stoppers
smit brackets
twin bollards
single bollards
cross bitts
chaffing chains
ship to ship fenders (pneumatic fenders)
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
KNect365 Maritime events
All Green Award certificate holders and incentive providers are entitled to a discount on events and trainings organized by KNECT365 Maritime and Lloyd’s Maritime Academy. Discount code will be provided upon request and per event.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
30% discount for subscription to the KR-CON, an award winning database of IMO instruments
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Lagersmit provides various discounts starting from 4% on their AFT seals that support sustainability and ensure top performance.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified companies and ships are entitled to a 5% discount on the shipowner pricelist of Lanopro’s lubricants. Prices are including delivery at all hubs worldwide.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified companies and ships are entitled to the following discount:
-- 15% discount to Pre-Survey Services & Assessments
-- 5-10% discount on all LEVER GROUP services, no spares included, i.e., Assessment & Maintenance of Marine Engines & Gear boxes, Propulsion Systems, Steering Systems, Auxiliary Machinery (as PV. Valves, Sea Valves, Pumps), Deck Equipment (as Windlasses, Cranes, Ladders) & Hydraulic Systems.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
The Liberian Flag Administration/Liberian Registry offers a 3% Tonnage Tax Discount annually to all Liberian flag vessels that are Green Award certified. The discount would apply continually as long as the vessel remains in the Green Award program.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award Incentive Providers, certified ships/companies can receive:
- 5% discount on Lubrication Engineers Lubricant and Fuel Additive
- 10% discount on LE's Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL)
- 5% discount on the Viper Wire Rope Lubricator and accessories
- 5% discount on Oilsafe transfer range
- 5% discount on ARS (Asset Reliability Solutions) products
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award Certified ships are entitled to 7% discount on standard price list for MacGregor Global Life Cycle Support portfolio for Spare Parts.
All Green Award Certified ships are entitled to 10% discount on standard price list for MacGregor specific product Training Session.
Premium terms are to be applied to retrofit packages referring to new RoRo solution of Soft Flaps.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships are entitled to the following additional discounts on the current price list:
- 10% discount on antipollution kits and equipment
- 5% discount on the fuel additives range of products
- 5% discount on high pressure cleaning machines
- 10% discount on arc welding machines
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Certified companies are entitled to a 10% discount for any online subscription plan, including Enhanced Satellite Tracking for their fleets (which combines Inmarsat-C polling with AIS data);
Extended free trial of the system: Certified companies will receive a 3-month free trial for the plans of their choosing and unlimited number of users, with priority support from MarineTraffic Customer Success team;
Green Award logo on each certified vessel's and company's page on marinetraffic.com. This will give extra recognition for the shipowner/manager, promoting quality shipping for the company and the vessel.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified vessels get the following discounts for the plate-type heat exchangers and fresh water generators:
- 7% on on-board maintenance services
- 10% on in-situ maintenance services
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Start date 1 January 2019 Certified ships will be granted 30% discount on the marine services fee
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships (inland and sea) will receive a 10% discount on 5 year licenses for the Heart app or Skills app.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships/companies can receive 5% discount on Mikasa's products.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
a 3% discount on the monthly manning fee per vessel
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified vessels:
- receive 3% discount from the contracted price of PBCF. The discount will be applied for a new project only.
Green Award certified companies:
- receive 3% discount from the contracted price of PBCF for the vessels in their fleet. The discount will be applied for a new project only. The vessels already installed PBCF are excluded.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
a : discount of 10% for supply all kind of oilspill equipment.
b : discount of 10-15% for response activities due an oil spill
c : discount of 10% for ( refresh) training the crew how to use the response equipment.
d : free of charge checking of the spill-kits for conformance with SOPEP/IMO/OPA90-requirements on board of a vessel
e : discount of 10% training course spill response ( chemicals & oil ) including breathing equipment. (ERIC cards )
f : discount of 15% for consultation by response operations. ( incident management )
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified ships receive:
a 8% discount in all products (product list available in website)
an ADDITIONAL 10% discount in the following products: a. 2KMTI b. EENova c. SeaQueen Extreme Antifouling d. SeaKing Antifouling
Technical Supervision during application of products worldwide.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award members are entitled to a 10% discount on all publications published by The Nautical Institute. For all publications and a price list please visit our shop at www.nautinst.org Bigger discounts are available when purchasing 10 or more books please inquire at pubs.admin@nautinst.org
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Navonus NV will offer all Green Award certified ships a 5% discount on the agency and cargo survey services provided in all Belgian ports
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships receive 5% discount for services in the updated ONEX SHIPYARDS services list.
Click on the name of the incentive provider for the services list.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships receive 5% discount for services in the updated ONEX SHIPYARDS services list.
Click on the name of the incentive provider for the services list.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified sea-going and inland ships are entitled to a 12 months extended warranty (from 24 months to 36 months) when purchasing cameras (CCTV’s) manufactured by Orlaco Products B.V.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Pepen members (Masters, Chief Mates and Second Mates) who belong to companies and ships certified by Green Award Foundation are entitled to a 10% discount on the Union's annual fees
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green award certified ships will be entitled to the following additional discounts of the standard prices on the following categories / stores/services:
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
10% discount on the fee for the Marine Awareness Courses.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified vessels receive 5% discount for all condition monitoring services offered by REA HELLAS S.A.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award members are entitled to a 10% discount on all regs4ships products and services such as Digital Maritime Regulations, Training and Consultancy. For all Services and price list please visit our website.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
10% discount on coating condition survey or pre-drydock survey for new customers with Green Award certified ships when subsequent coating project management at drydock is awarded to Safinah Group.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships (inland and sea) receive a 10% discount on Sensor Maritime’s products:
-- Thermoview Marine
-- Bridgescout® Basic (inland ships only)
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified ships and companies are entitled to a discount over the official price list on the following product catalogue:
5% on SmartBox-V™
5% on SeeMBox-V Remote Monitoring solution
10% on SeeMBox-V MRV GHG emissions monitoring & reporting as per EU
5% on MTS [Maritime Telemedicine Solution]
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified companies and ships are entitled to:
- 20% additional discount on the proposed one-time set-up fee
- Free procurement discovery session, including an analysis and advice on how to optimize purchase and sourcing processes
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
2,5% discount on services for Green Award ships. Ship spare logistics and warehousing
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
15% discount for certified companies and ships (seagoing and inland) when purchasing Sonihull products.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award members are entitled to a 10% discount on all IBS Marine Group products and services such as QHSE & SMS Consulting, Shipboard Documentation, QHSE Training Seminars, Computer Based Training and Software Products.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships and companies can receive:
- 5% discount on courses purchased through the SQLearn e-shop (https://eshop.sqlearn.com/)
- 8% discount on the SQLearn Learning Management System, which includes the setup, management, and monitoring of all training, and our extensive course library (covering safety, resilience, STCW, and compliance with RISQ & SIRE 2.0 vetting inspection courses)
- 8% discount on our innovative Vetti software, designed to streamline vetting inspections preparation effortlessly
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships receive 4% discount on all orders for diesel and gas engine components.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified companies and ships (seagoing and inland) receive a 5% rebate to the ship owner for specifying a Thordon COMPAC seawater lubricated propeller shaft bearing system in the newbuilding.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
All Green Award certified inland and sea-going ships and all relevant Incentive Providers can receive:
- 15% discount on the Triple R filter elements
- 5% discount on the Triple R filter systems
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
10% reduction on standard tariff rates on the equipment and personnel changes during salvage operations.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
- Vessels certified by Green Award will receive a 15% reduction on Standard Tariff Rates on T&T Salvage personnel and equipment during Salvage response operations.
- Vessels certified by Green Award will also receive at preferred customer basis both on scheduling and pricing, 10-20% discounts on fleet operations support, which include: Offshore Crewboat/Launch Services; In-water Surveys/Underwater Repairs; Hull Cleaning/Propeller Polishing; Specialty Equipment Rental; and Oil Spill Response (OSRO) Services.
In case the certified company is an OPA90 client of T&T Salvage, the above discount will apply to the entire fleet from the company.
Click on the company name of the incentive provider for details
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified shipping companies, sea-going ships, inland navigating ships and other participating incentive providers may be granted:
-- 10% discount on all spare parts in stock via our worldwide stations network,
-- 5% discount on all services provided such as inspection, surveys, regular service and maintenance, retrofit, dynamical balancing, reconditioned services such as TIG welding and laser cladding
-- additional 5% discount applicable for loyal customers that complete more than 12 orders within the first 12 months of cooperation.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified Ships and companies (existing and future members) can receive:
- 15% discount to Pre-Survey Services & Assessments
- 7% discount on all TURBOMED SA services provided on-board such as Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, Overhauling, Upgrade, Retrofit, Dynamic Balancing in the total range of turbocharger’s requirements of Main & Auxiliary engines.
- 10% discount on all TURBOMED SA services provided in-situ, i.e. Inspection, Maintenance, Repair, Overhauling, Upgrade, Retrofit, Dynamic Balancing in the total range of turbocharger’s requirements of Main & Auxiliary engines.
- The Loyal repeat TURBOMED SA customers that are Green Award certified ships and companies are eligible for:
-- an additional 5% discount during the second year
-- an additional 2% discount from the third year and onwards.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Inland barges
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified companies, inland navigation ships and Green Award Incentive Providers will receive a 5% discount on the sales price of the Sea Trophy system (pump and accessories) (Rental not included). All parties will also enjoy the first consultation/advice and the first quotation free-of-charge.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships (seagoing and inland) receive:
-- Green Point biodegradable Lubricants: 10% discount
-- Royal Purple biodegradable Lubricants: 5% Discount
-- Bel-Ray biodegradable Lubricants: 5% Discount
-- PANOLIN biodegradable Lubricants: 5% Discount
-- Lubrication Consultancy services: 10% Discount
-- Lubrication Training / Education: 10% Discount
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award members receive:
• 15% discount on General Supplies & Provisions, in Euro Currency Pricelist
• 34% discount on Paper Nautical Charts and Publications, in Euro Currency Pricelist
• 20% special discount on all 3M products of the Vanos pricelist
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified vessels are entitled to receive:
- 5% discount on fuel quality testing
- 5% discount on bunker surveys
- 15% discount in all fuel related training courses
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Green Award certified offices who purchase a NAUTIS Simulator from VSTEP will receive one year full premium support for free the first year. This offer applies to all simulator types, from desktop to Class A Full Mission Bridge
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
1. 5% Discount on prevailing Price List on our Water Lubricated Packages (CAPEX or OPEX)
2. 10% Discount on prevailing Price List on our Complete Wärtsilä Water Lubricated Package Solution (Stern Tube +Bearings +Seals +Journals +Coating +WQS +WDG +ISB +Bulkhead Seal)
(* Add-on: Automatic 25 year Warranty in case if above is selected and the Sea-Master is added)
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
A 20 % discount to Green Award certified ships on all We4Sea monitoring modules.
A 20% discount to Green Award certified ships on all the EU-MRV modules valid for full year 2018.
A free-of-charge trial for a 2 months period for all Green Award certified ships (limited to 2 ships per Certificate Holder).
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
Incentive providers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Ro-Ro cargo ship
Offshore supply ship
Green Award certified ships receive 5% discount on all Copper-Nickel (CuNi) boxcoolers (new and retubing) and field services.
Bulk carriers
Chemical tankers
Container carriers
LNG carriers
LPG carriers
Oil tankers
Receive a 10% discount at www.witherbyseamanship.com Online discount code: greenaward Not be used in conjunction with any other offer.
A&S International Ltd
The Old Brewery 2 Brewery Court, High Street Theale, Reading Berkshire RG7 5AH United Kingdom
ABS 1701 City Plaza Drive Spring, TX 77389 United States
United States Vessel Performance Software Soren Vinther Hansen ABS, Assistant Director, Vessel Performance, Global Marine T +45 39 10 0645 M +45 29 39 2960 E shansen@eagle.org
ABS Academy courses for Europe contact GreeceAcademy@eagle.org for Americas contact USAAcademy@eagle.org for Middle East contact UAEAcademy@eagle.org for Singapore contact SingaporeAcademy@eagle.org for China contact ChinaAcademy@eagle.org for Korea contact KoreaAcademy@eagle.org
All Green Award vessels (both oceangoing as inland) qualify for: • A 10% discount on steering gear inspections according to the descriptions of R.o.s.R. Rijn (art. 6,09) and IVR SPO inspections. • Filters used with the inspection are provided with a 15% discount. • Materials used with the inspections are provided with a 5% discount.
All Green Award inland vessels qualify for a discount of 5%: • Modification or rebuild of existing steering gear in response to regulation R.o.s.R. RIJN 2007. • The purchase of BOSS™eco “INDICATIVE FUEL-SAVING CONSUMPTION INDICATOR”. • The purchase of an XR / XR-T spoiler(s).
All Green Award inland vessels qualify for free advice regarding fuel-saving facilities that contribute to fewer CO2 emission.
Consisting of: • Customized advice regarding steering gear and rudders. • Advice on the modification of hydraulic and electric steering, more efficient energy consumption. • Customized advice concerning resistance reducing parts of the submarine, including use of spoiler(s) and Flowplate. • Advice for the possibilities of a request for EIA.
Green Award certified companies and/or ships are entitled to a 10% discount on selected services provided by HudsonAnalytix, Inc., and/or any of its five (5) divisions, Hudson Marine Management Services, HudsonTrident, HudsonSystems, HudsonTactix, and HudsonDynamix.
Included services are,
Hudson Marine Management Services • Regulatory Planwriting Services (i.e., US Vessel Response Plan, SOPEP, PCSOPEP, BMWP, etc.) • Related administrative processing support (i.e. US CoFR) • Retained Qualified Individual, Authorized Person and Spill Management Team services; • Vessel Arrival Services (i.e., Notice of Arrival, ICB, ACE (Formerly AMS) services) • Select Onboard Consulting Services
HudsonSystems • TMSALogix Software (Annual License) • TMSA Trend Analysis • Management System Gap Analysis • Management Systems Audit Preparation • KPI Development and Continous Improvement Consulting • Vessel and Office IT Architectural Design
HudsonTactix • Medical Bill Review • Crew Medical Management o Assist with appointments o Monitor treatment (in hospital) o Obtain necessary medical documentation o Assist in coordination of crew repatriation • Claims Investigation and Adjusting • Settlement Negotiations • Expert Witness • Litigation Support • Surveys
HudsonDynamix • Maritime Risk Management Training • Maritime Management System Vetting Training • Pollution Prevention and Reponse Management Training • HAZWOPER Training • Incident Command System (ICS) Training • Live Crisis Management Exercises • Tabletop Crisis Management Exercises
Imbema Cleton B.V.
Van Beethovensingel 130-132 3133 EA Vlaardingen The Netherlands