The Port of Elefsina, becomes the next port as Green Award Incentive Provider. This marks the second port in Greece, representing its commitment to supporting the shipping industry to continue improving and become more sustainable.
The joining of Port of Elefsina only strengthens Green Award’s network of incentive providers now reaching about 150 worldwide. The Port of Elefsina, with a history that goes back to the ancient Greek time, is situated in the Central region Attiki with a coastline along the Bay of Elefsis, and today became the Greek major dry bulk port. As part of their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policies, the Elefsina Port Authority offer a 15% discount on the port fee when a ship that holds a Green Award Certificate calls at “Central Port”. A Green Award certified ship demonstrates that it goes above and beyond international standards and has outstanding commitment to safety and environment by continual improvement.
On 26 November 2021, at the Yacht club in Piraeus, a ceremony (with a limited amount of guests in order to safeguard COVID measures) took place to present the Green Award plaque to the representatives of the Port of Elefsina.
From left to right: Jan Fransen (GA Executive Director), Mattheou Dimitrios (GA Chairman), Kamarinakis Apostolos (Managing Director of Elefsina Port Authority)
The joining of Port of Elefsina fit very well with their new strategy to improving the port infrastructure both ashore and the bay area. Special attention will be given to its navigable routes with improved draught limitations. A strategy that also will materialize extended opportunities for the nearby drydocks and oil terminal.
Dimitrios Mattheou, Chairman of the Green Award Foundation, formally handed over the Green Award Certificate to the Managing Director of Elefsina Port Authority, Mr. Apostolos Kamarinakis.
Mr Mattheou said that “I am delighted for my presence here today to signify this considerable milestone in the history of the Port of Elefsis. Further future port expansion results in a growth of maritime traffic. Reliable and responsible ship operations are essential and key to success in port development. Also Elefsina’s pristine geographical location and its historical heritage calls for responsible development and lowest risk shipping. We are proud and happy that Elefsina Port Authority considers these aspect as important and will use the Green Award program to motivate for quality shipping calling at their port.
Mr Kamarinakis said that “Since the Greek State has designated Elefsina Port as of national importance, as a result Elefsina will become a connecting link to the Greek national rail network. Together with the upgrading of fairway channels in Elefsina Bay the port will even become a more strong logistical hub of importance. Strong CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policies are essential toward our future successes.”
About Port of Elefsina:
Elefsis is located about 20 km northwest of Piraeus and 30 minutes from Athens’ international airport El. Venizelos. The port of Elefsis is one of the most important ports in the European Union. According to the Joint Ministerial Decision 8315.2 / 02/07 (Government Gazette 202 B / 2007) it has been characterized as a “Port of International Interest”. The development goals of EPA SA is the emergence of the Port of Elefsis as a hub of combined bulk cargos and its development into a third generation port. The land zone of the port of Elefsis and the ones simulated with the land area are defined by the position “Palaska” of the location Skaramaga, on the east side and continues to the west end of the position “Elefsina Shipyards”.
The Central Port of Elefsis is characterized as purely commercial as it handles only the movement of goods and bulk cargo. It has a total length of quays 1,037 meters, a port arm 300 m x 80 m, a useful area of 50,000 sq.m. , a floating depth of 8-10 m. and the upper level of the Port Quay is + 1.50m. by the MSF In the areas of the Central Port, the main movement of goods takes place (loading – storage), which is also characterized as a customs precinct. In the wider complex there are also four (4) marinas of yachts, two (2) ports for fishing boats, while there is another one besides the central dry cargo pier.
At the Central Port, goods are unloaded and loading transported within and from the country respectively. The main goods that are traded are Iron, Sheet Metal, Paper Rolls, Timber, Scrap, Pipes, Concrete Bars, fertilizers, glass sand etc.