Green Award welcomes Bureau Veritas Hellas M.A.E. as an incentive provider, founded in 1828 one of the world’s leading ship classification societies and offshore safety and verification bodies, who works closely with their clients to achieve safety and performance at sea. Their network of offices and laboratories addresses their client’s commercial and operational needs near their centers of production and trade throughout the world. Their strategically-placed regional hubs provide customer support and share knowledge relevant to local markets—allowing them to provide services of the same high standard in every country, continually strengthen client relationships and better ensure their success.
The incentives with Green Award are as follows and applies to the region South East Europe, Black sea and Adriatic (SEEBA) Zone:
In his welcome note, Green Award Chairman Captain Dimitrious Mattheou said: “One of the top priorities of the Green Award is to serve society through implementation and promotion of CSR across the industry. Performance-driven participants whether ship managers or a maritime organizations, help grow environmental awareness and create an efficient and secure circle of partners encouraging sustainable and responsible shipping. I am delightful that Green Award and Bureau Veritas have joined forces, both organisations aiming for excellence.”
From left to right: George Andreadis Marine Chief Executive for Greece of Bureau Veritas, Capt. Dimitrios Mattheou, Chairman of the Green Award Foundation, Paillette Palaiologou, Vice President M&O Division, South East Europe, Black Sea and Adriatic (SEEBA) Zone of Bureau Veritas and Jan Fransen, Executive Director of Green Award Foundation
About Bureau Veritas Hellas M.A.E.: