After months of thorough survey and due diligence, we are delighted to welcome IBLEA Ship Management Ltd, a shipping company focused on the seaborne transportation of major bulks such as iron ore, coal, and grain, headquartered in Athens, Greece, to our community of Green Award certificate holders. IBLEA is indeed walking the talk of their operating philosophy – respect for the seas.
Our team of surveyors carried out a comprehensive evaluation of IBLEA shipping company’s safety and environmental practices starting from January through May 2024.
Speaking of what motivated them to go through the audit process to be Green Award certified, Ms. Francesca Trotta, General Manager, IBLEA Ship Management Ltd, said, “We were motivated to pursue Green Award certification due to our deep commitment to environmental sustainability and operational excellence. We want to lead by example by promoting sustainable practices and building trust with our stakeholders, including clients, regulatory bodies, and the communities where we operate.”
Our assessment covered various operational areas including general management, navigation and bridge operations, machinery and engine operations, cargo operations, and pollution prevention. Notably, the company’s adherence to ISO standards was scrutinized, ensuring compliance with industry norms.
Particular attention was paid to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, considering their machinery technologies, energy consumption, and optimization solutions in place.
We audited their office facilities, paying attention to critical aspects such as enclosed space entry procedures, emergency response systems, and cyber risk management both at sea and onshore. We reviewed measures they have put in place to ensure they are in compliance with international regulations such as MARPOL requirements and International Standard Operations.
“We encourage all industry players, including shipping companies, ports, and government authorities, to prioritize safety and environmental standards in their operations. The future of the maritime industry depends on our collective efforts to minimize environmental impact and ensure safe practices. We call upon others to pursue certifications like Green Awards and adopt best practices that contribute to a sustainable future,” Ms. Francesca added.
IBLEA Ship Management Ltd, like other certificate holders in our community, is proving that it is possible to be both sustainable and profitable. Being a responsible steward of the environment should be the norm in the shipping industry and not just an ideal.
We will continue to motivate and incentivize more shipping companies that go above and beyond industry standards to make waterborne transportation more sustainable and safer.